Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time to start blogging.....

I am 5 weeks pregnant. When I found out that I was pregnant, part of me wanted to cry. This wasn't planned, this wasn't how I wanted to spend the next 9 months.... and the thought of raising another child scared the daylights out of me.

It's been over a week now since the positive test. Since then, I've decided that I am happy, elated, excited over this new addition - and the next 8 months is not doomed to be a struggle. Was it with with my last three children? YES. Will it be for this child? NO. Why?

I will not gain 60 pounds.
I will exercise at least 5 days a week.
I will take my vitamins daily.
I will drink water.
I will get enough sleep - but not too much.

I can do this. Anyone can do this. It's time to turn the energy and excitement and impatience into a well executed plan. I will grow a baby inside my body, and I will grow it properly!